Red Ruby Devon is a native breed, and has been for a couple of hundred years. The delicious beef is a great source of natural, healthy protein. With its succulent texture and mouth-watering flavour, Red Ruby beef is a number one accompaniment to your favourite dishes.

The Devon’s docile temperament makes for the perfect metabolism for converting grass into premium quality beef. They are able to naturally lay down intramuscular fat within the meat, providing excellent marbling. The meat is prized by butchers and top chefs alike; although the most discerning eaters are probably farmers themselves!    

Our Red Rubies are grown slowly until they have reached natural maturity when the meat is well marbled and has a good texture, and fed on a grass diet so the meat is high in Omega 3 oils.

Our beef has a good life until at least 28 months of age which gives the animal time to reach maturity and then hung for a minimum of 4 weeks allowing the meat to tenderise naturally which produces a darker colour.